PEPS’ main objective is to produce young men & women with a keen sense of discipline, initiative, integrity, self-reliance, loyalty and leadership qualities.

The Concept and Context of Values Education

Meaning of Values:

  • Values are defined as everything from eternal ideas and guiding principles that lead to desirable behavioural and positive patterns.
  • They provide an important basis for individual choices based on connecting thoughts, feelings and emotions leading to positive action.
  • Concern about degeneration of values.
  • Impact of change on children and youth.
  • Dys – functional families, increased crime and violence, effect of media and information overload.
  • The competitive mindset among students, parents, teachers.
  • Holistic development of the child while addressing the head and the heart.
  • Revisiting values and making everyone aware of eroding values.
  • Creating balance between child and community.
  • An education that connects the heart, head and hand.
  • Inculcating the understanding of Interdependence between family, society, nation and the world.
  • Bringing in a pro-active social conscience.
  • Improvement of the quality of education.
  • Maintaining Harmony and Peace with self and others.
  • Need to prioritize Values Education in the curriculum.
  • Integrating Values Education into school activities.
  • Defining focus areas and planning for realizing desired objectives.